Monday, July 12, 2010

dessert and tempers

This is a funny Sydney video~ just prior to taking it Sydney had been being so silly~ huge smiles, funny faces (see pic below) and as soon as I started shooting the video she got super quiet and mellow. Then she wanted the camera... so you get a lovely glimpse of the beginnings of toddler temper!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Grand 'ol Flag

Sydney's Great Grandma Norbeck sent a fun "candle" for the 4th of July that lights up and plays music~ two things Sydney absolutely loves! Here are a few shots and a video of the fun~

Dance, Sydney, Dance!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wearing Green on St. Paddy's Day

Constant explorations of her world...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Fun with frog rattles and scootching backwards

Hours of entertainment with Daddy bouncing the frog rattle at our smiley girl as she pratices scootching backwards. And "talking"!

Smiles and practicing our "B" sounds!

Pop up toys are too scary for Sydney!

So, my Mom sent a fun toy that Sydney will have so much fun with when she gets bigger. Brandon and I played with it and said, "These pop ups are really loud~ they'll totally scare her." But then we decided to see what happens (since she usually suprises us at how well she handles new things). We should have trusted our instincts! Here's the video proof Sydney can use later in life on how her parents tortured her as a child. She recovered quickly from the trauma. :-)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sitting Up...with a little help :-)

Our little girl is growing up fast. She always wants to be sitting up or standing up (with help). She can now sit up with the help of the Boppy...though is still a bit wobbly! :-)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fun with Grandpa Ted

Grandpa and rattles... laughing!

Grandpa was originally playing dive bomber and having Sydney "bomb" what was below when she picked up and dropped her rattle... we were laughing about how this was Sydney's first exposure to warfare. Must be that Ted raised two boys!! We thought maybe she could be scooping up butterflies or something...but she could be a dive bomber if she really wants to! :-)

Talking to Grandma Kathy on the phone!

Hiccups and chewing on her tongue. :-)